Letter to
Secretary-General of European Commission
(April 17th 2003)
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From: William Finnerty <billyfinnerty1945@hotmail.com> To: Secretary-General of European Commission <sg-info@cec.eu.int> CC: Irish Law Society <H.Mountaine@LawSociety.ie>, <information@amnesty.org.uk>, <info@amnesty.iol.ie>, UK Department of Social Security Minister (Mr. Andrew Smith MP) <andrewsmith.mp@virgin.net>, billyfinnerty1945@hotmail.com, European Union Court of Justice <info@curia.eu.int>, Mr David Lowe (EU Committee on Petitions) <dlowe@europarl.eu.int>, European Commission Representative for Ireland <eu-ie-info-request@cec.eu.int>, Shrewsbury Local Government <general@shrewsbury.gov.uk>, Republic of Ireland Lawyer (Mr Gearoid Geraghty) <gearoidgeraghty@fair-murtagh.ie>, Liberty Human Rights Organisation <info@liberty-human-rights.org.uk>, Joseph Rowntree Foundation (Human Rights Organisation) <info@jrf.org.uk)>, <justice@oneworld.net>, Nicola.Kidd@LawSociety.org.uk, UK MP for Shrewsbury Mr Paul Marsden <marsdenp@parliament.uk>, EU Chairman of Committee on Petitions (Mr Nino Gemelli) <eboaretto@europarl.eu.int>, Mr James Hamilton (Irish Director of Public Prosecutions <dppwebmaster@indigo.ie>, Mr Michael McDowell (Irish Justice Minister) <pagemaster@justice.irlgov.ie>, UK Citizens Advice Bureaux Headquarters <nicola.simpson@nacab.org.uk>, Mr Pat Byrne (Irish Chief of Police) <comstaff@iol.ie>, Irish Police (Western Region) <agswr@iol.ie>, London Police Commissioner <commissioner@met.police.uk>, Shrewsbury Law Firm <scottlister@btclick.com>, wfinnerty@eircom.net, Transparency International (Germany) <ti@transparency.org>, Winchester Citizens Advice Bureau <winchestercab@care4free.net>, <newinngalway@yahoo.co.uk> Subject: ARREST WARRANT (issued on Oct 9th 2002 at Loughrea Court, Ireland). Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 14:31:22 +0000 To: Dear Secretary-General, I have received an e-mail letter dated February 20th 2003 from the Information Service of the European Union Court of Justice which indicates that you may be able to help me with certain difficulties I am experiencing. (A copy of the letter in question can be found at the www address in Section 1 below.) By far the most pressing of these difficulties (at the present time) involves the fact that I have been charged with what I see as wholly corrupt and malicious prosecution by the Director for Public Prosecutions in the Republic of Ireland (Mr James Hamilton). Though I tried VERY hard to have the hearing of my case deferred until such time as I had found a lawyer who would provide me with a proper legal defence, the contents of the set of four letters letters I used in the weeks leading up to my court hearing date (of October 9th 2002) appear to have been completely ignored by all of the senior lawyers and politicians in question. The main result of the way those concerned ignored the contents of these letters was that a warrant for my arrest was issued on October 9th 2002: by a judge who apparently was completely unaware of the existence of this set of four letters. (Copies of the set of four letters in question can be found in Section 2 below.) One possible motivation for my prosecution might stem from what I suspect may be some form of combined political, legal, and corporate corruption. For a considerable time before my prosecution, I had been vigorously objecting to plans for a superdump which both local and central government managers were very keen to install near my home in the Republic of Ireland. It is estimated that the particular superdump which the company called Celtic Waste is at present planning to locate beside Woodlawn House (in Kilconnell) has the potential to eventually generate profits in the region of �500,000 per day: based on the assumption that it would have a daily intake of between 150 - 200 thirty-tonne truckloads (of rubbish), which Celtic Waste would charge for at the rate of �100 per tonne as it comes through the gates. (Celtic Waste appears to be owned by National Toll Roads - or NTR.) At the time I left Ireland (on October 8th 2002), there were numerous local reports in circulation which suggested that Celtic Waste was throwing large sums of money around the place for the purpose of furthering their aims. In addition to alleged "inducement" payments to a close relative of at least one local property owner, their activities apparently also included the purchasing of local bits and pieces of land: at prices which were far above the normal rate, and which suggested that Celtic Waste MIGHT have been in receipt of strong assurances of a corrupt kind (i.e. ones which contained inbuilt plans to ignore European Union Environment Directives) from one or more people in high office. I left the Republic of Ireland jurisdiction on October 8th 2002 in the hope of finding legal help in England. Though I have tried very hard during the past six months, my efforts at finding legal help in England have not produced any useful results that I know of. Following receipt of a letter dated April 11th 2003 from the the UK Appeals Service (stating that my appeal for help made through the UK Department of Social Security was disallowed), I decided to terminate my efforts at trying to find legal help in England; and, I now plan to return to my home in the Republic of Ireland sometime within the coming two weeks or so. (Section 3 below contains a list of SOME of the efforts I have made at trying to find legal help in England during the past six months.) If anybody connected with the Republic of Ireland authorities attempts to arrest me when I return to the Republic of Ireland jurisdiction in a few weeks time, it is my intention to offer them a printed copy of this letter, and to ask them to defer arrest proceedings until such time as I have received a written reply from you to this letter. (Similarly, should the authorities force me to appear before a court of any kind.) I would be grateful if you would please reply to this letter using
the following address information: Later today, I intend to send a printed (and signed) copy
of this e-mail to you through the post. I will address it as follows: Within the coming 24 hours, I also intend to place
a copy of the text of this letter at the following www Internet address: It seems to me - and please correct me if I am wrong - that under Article 47 of the CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, I have a legal right under European Community law to be properly advised, defended, and represented in connection with the malicious prosecution (referred to above) which has been brought against me; and, that as a direct result of several mutually-supportive forms of corruption-friendly arrangements and practices in use at the present time in the Republic of Ireland, and in England, I am being unlawfully denied that right. Allowing for the contents of the paragraph immediately
above, I would be very grateful if you could please take steps to ensure that
WELL BEFORE my case is heard in court, I will be given the opportunity of being represented by a lawyer in a way which
is fully in keeping with Article 47 of the CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF THE
EUROPEAN UNION. A third reason for my seeking a suitably experienced human rights lawyer relates to the fact that I have been badly harmed by the maladministration problems which I have unexpectedly been saddled with during recent years, and I would like to have the damage made good under the terms of Item 3, Article 41 of the CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the
European Commission for the partial results I have now been provided with through Mr
Gemelli in connection with Petition 809/2001. A copy of Mr Gemelli's letter can
be seen at the following www page location: Sincerely, William Finnerty. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ++++++++++++++++++++++++ SECTION 1 Copy of letter dated February 20th 2003 from EU Court of Justice Information
Service: ++++++++++++++++++++++++ SECTION 2 DEFENCE EFFORTS (Set of four letters) (4) I sent a third e-mail letter (backed up by a
signed printed copy) regarding the matter to the Director of Public Prosecutions
(Mr James Hamilton) on September 28th 2002 - pointing out (among several other
things) that I intended to leave the country in circumstances where he appeared
to be unwilling to defer the hearing of my case to a later date. At this stage
Mr Hamilton had of course already been informed about the difficulties I was
having with finding a defence lawyer: e.g. that I had not received any reply
from Mr Gemelli, or from Mr Murphy - as referred to above. A copy of the text of
my letter dated September 28th 2002 letter to Mr Hamilton, together with five
associated Post Office registered letter receipts, can be seen at www page
address: ++++++++++++++++++++++++ SECTION 3 (A) Help sought from UK Department of Social Security: (B) Help sought from Republic of Ireland Law Society (via
Director of Public Prosecutions because I was unable to find any e-mail address
for the Irish Law Society): (C) Help sought from the UK Law Society: (D) Help sought from Republic of Ireland law firm (Fair Murtagh) (E) Help sought from UK Prime Minister Mr Tony Blair (via Mrs
Blair - because I was unable to find any e-mail address for Mr Blair): (F) Reply to request for help from the London Metropolitan Police Service: (H) Help sought from four human rights organisations (not
including Amnesty International which has been contacted a number of times): (I) Items 01 to 06 towards the bottom of the list at the www
page address
below contain other attempts to get legal help during the period when the "www.finnachta.com" web site was not
working properly. The site was vandalised in a very major way while I was travelling between
Galway and London on October 7th and 8th 2002. This matter was reported to
the police in Ireland at the time. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
reply dated
April 22 2003 from Information Service of Written acknowledgement of receipt for above letter: Celtic Waste (possibly owned by National
Toll Roads): |
Royal Mail receipt for letter posted to the European Commission on April 17th 2003: |
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reply22April2003 |
Reply dated April 22 2003 from Information Service of From: Sg-Info@cec.eu.int CC: billyfinnerty1945@hotmail.com Subject: FW: ARREST WARRANT (issued on Oct 9th 2002 at Loughrea Court, Ireland). Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 10:44:04 +0200 Dear Colleagues, Please find here under an advanced copy of a letter/complaint which is, in parallel, sent by Mr Finnerty by mail to your service for registry and follow-up of his file. Thanks for your co-operation. Yours Nancy Vanhaverbeke SG Information -----Original Message----- As above ... |
Written receipt: |
Written acknowledgement of receipt from European Commission |
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