E-mail to UK Law Society
(Dated March 6th 2003)

"... in connection with what I see as a corrupt and malicious prosecution."

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Sent by: William Finnerty <billyfinnerty1945@hotmail.com>

To: UK Law Society <info.services@lawsociety.org.uk>

CC: <information@amnesty.org.uk>,  UK Department of Social Security Minister (Mr. Andrew Smith) <andrewsmith.mp@virgin.net>, <billyfinnerty1945@hotmail.com>, European Union Court of Justice <info@curia.eu.int>, Mr David Lowe <dlowe@europarl.eu.int>,  Republic of Ireland Lawyer <gearoidgeraghty@fair-murtagh.ie>,  Joseph Rowntree Foundation <info@jrf.org.uk),  justice@oneworld.net,  UK MP Mr Paul Marsden <marsdenp@parliament.uk>,  EU Chairman of Committee on Petitions (Mr Gemelli) <eboaretto@europarl.eu.int>,  Director of Public Prosecutions (Mr James Hamilton) <dppwebmaster@indigo.ie>, Republic of Ireland Justice Minister (Mr Michael  McDowell) <pagemaster@justice.irlgov.ie>,  UK Citizens Advice Bureaux Headquarters <nicola.simpson@nacab.org.uk>,  Republic of Ireland Chief of Police (Commissioner Pat Byrne) <comstaff@iol.ie,>  Irish Police (Western Region) <agswr@iol.ie>, London Police  <commissioner@met.police.uk>, Shrewsbury Law Firm <scottlister@btclick.com>, <wfinnerty@eircom.net>,  Transparency International (Germany) <ti@transparency.org>,  London-Office@transparancy.org, <winchestercab@care4free.net>, <newinngalway@yahoo.co.uk>

Subject: Legal help sought relating to European Union Petition 809/2001

Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2003 13:08:59 +0000

The Officer in Charge
The Law Society's Hall,
113 Chancery Lane,
London WC2A 1PL

Dear Sir or Madam,

Some days ago I found a local law firm (Terry Jones Solicitors & Advocates of Shrewsbury: www.terry-jones.co.uk ) listed in the "Human Rights" section of your Internet site.

I afterwards called at their office and spoke with one of the lawyers there.

The person in question informed me that he was unable to help because my case involved jurisdictions other than the United Kingdom.

He then advised me to contact you (i.e. The UK Law Society), and suggested that I make it completely clear to you that I require the services of a lawyer who is familiar with the laws of the Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the European Union.

I wish to stress that MY LIFE IS BEING RUINED by the fact that, despite making numerous efforts over a lengthy period of time, I still cannot find a lawyer willing to help me defend myself against the bad consequences of the political, legal, and corporate corruption I have unluckily and unintentionally become embroiled in. (The problems began when I semi-retired in 1998: and innocently decided to use as a home-base the village in rural Ireland where I spent the first 13 years or so of my life.)

Please note that my failed efforts at finding a lawyer include a letter I sent on December 21st 2002 to the Prime Minister (The Rt Hon Tony Blair MP).

It seems to me that I have been driven out of the Republic of Ireland because I have very vigorously opposed the construction of superdumps close to my present home there, which is in an area that has a number of VERY important Celtic and Anglo Norman heritage sites. These sites include the world famous Turoe Stone, and Woodlawn House (the 17th century ancestral home of the present Lord Ashtown).

It is estimated that the particular superdump which the company called Celtic Waste is at present planning to locate beside Woodlawn House (in Kilconnell) has the potential to eventually generate profits in the region of �500,000 per day: based on the assumption that it would have a daily intake of between 150 - 200 thirty-tonne truckloads (of rubbish), which Celtic Waste would charge for at the rate of �100 per tonne as it comes through the gates.

A warrant for my arrest was issued in the Republic of Ireland on October 9th 2002.

The �crime� I have been prosecuted for arises from the fact that I shouted at a local government employee when he refused to look at an ILLEGAL sewage discharge coming from the primary school in the village where I have my home in the Republic of Ireland. (This incident took place in the run-up to the general election held in May 2002 in the Republic of Ireland, and the illegal sewage discharge in question is in breach of at least three different Republic of Ireland laws at present in force there.)

If I return to the Republic of Ireland without proper legal representation there is a risk that I will be criminalised and fined (and possibly imprisoned): in connection with what I see as a wholly corrupt and malicious prosecution.

I feel I should stress that, after all that has happened, I now feel forced (reluctantly) to view the senior lawyers and politicians responsible for my prosecution as gangsters, and I fear them accordingly. In reality, I actually fear them more than I would normal gangsters: because of the fact that, though the individuals concerned definitely do not deserve to be in this position (in my view), they nonetheless at the present time legitimately have - amongst the several other major government facilities at their disposal (including very large sums of taxpayers money) - FULL control over the law, and the way the law is applied.

It is for this reason that, much as I would like to be able to return to my home there, I am afraid to set foot in the Republic of Ireland unless (and until) I have first secured good quality legal support and protection.

Through my GP (Dr. Maurice), I am at present receiving professional counselling for reactive depression. The Counsellor in question (Ms Jane Wilkinson) has made it clear that she cannot help with legal matters. For evidence of the depression I am at present suffering from please see:

I would be very grateful if you could please send your reply to me to both of the following two e-mail addresses:
wfinnerty@eircom.net  and  billyfinnerty1945@hotmail.com

Further background information relating to my situation can be found at the two Internet web site addresses below. (Please note that for technical reasons the most recent updates are appearing at the " www.finnachta.com " site only at the present time.)

As it may not be obvious from the e-mail addresses I have used above, I feel I should point out that copies of this e-mail are being sent to Mr Gemelli (Chairman of the European Union Committee on Petitions), and to the Information Service of the European Union Court of Justice - which has recently provided me with what I see as good quality guidance regarding the very distressing and wholly avoidable difficulties I now find myself in.

Later today, I intend to send a printed (and signed) copy of this e-mail through the post to your address at:

The Law Society's Hall,
113 Chancery Lane,
London WC2A 1PL


Mr William Finnerty.

Web Site 1:  http://www.finnachta.com/
Web Site 2:  http://homepage.eircom.net/~williamfinnerty/

Copy to: Dr Jacques Maurice (Riverside Medical Practice).



Some background information on  Celtic Waste Superdump  planned for Kilconnell:








 Royal Mail receipt for letter posted to UK Law Society on March 6th 2003:






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