----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 7:05 PM
Subject: Fw (to Fr Tom): Judicial investigation motion
(Green Party Galway Convention, March 2004)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 10:27 AM
Subject: Judicial investigation motion (Green Party
Galway Convention, March 2004)
To: Turoe Celtic Society
Please note that there are several
references below relating to the protection of what many believe
to be EXTREMELY important heritage sites in the
Turoe/Knocknadala area (East County Galway) -
which are NOW under very serious threat.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 12:27 PM
Subject: Fw: [Tara/Skreen] Additional information on the
"5 great roads of ancient Ireland" ...
Dear Ciaran,
In connection with the "Judicial
Investigation" motion being put forward at the
Green Party March 2004 Annual Convention in Galway, you
may wish to consider the information in the " 5 roads "
e-mail below (Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 10:05 PM.).
Allowing for developments here on the
ground, I would suggest you consider widening the "investigation"
so that it includes some mention of the New Inn Superdump:
as well as the very important "5 roads" issue, which, as I see it,
is a matter of NATIONAL (and indeed
international) importance.
I'm not sure if the Green Party will
be putting forward any candidate in the Ballinasloe area
(for the county council elections)? If not, the
law student I mentioned to you when we met in Tuam last summer
MIGHT still be interested. However, and in so far as I can judge,
the young lady in question would almost certainly feel that she
would need to be completely free to speak openly in support of the
Aarhus Convention principles, and, to challenge
(at every opportunity) the present constitutionality of
Waste Management Amendment Act 2002: which, as you no
doubt know, removed power from the locally elected political
representatives in a way many feel is in total breach of
Article 28A of the Constitution.
Unfortunately, it seems (to me at
least) that "Aarhus" and "Article 28A"
are BOTH completely taboo subjects for
ALL of the political parties here in the Republic of
Ireland at the present time??? - which, local
problems apart, appears to me to be a VERY sad and worrying
reflection on Irish society as a whole. What is the world coming
to, I find myself wondering? And what will it take to wake people
You may find it useful to know that,
in connection with the two large rubbish dumps planned for my
local area, a number of people here have felt a HUGE
boost of hope from the fact that the Supreme Court
recently found in favour of the "Carraigminers".
There is a growing feeling here that Waste Management Amendment
Act 2002 is also the product of "Government fiddling" -
which is very slyly changing laws that were constitutional, into
laws that are not.
It may also be worth mentioning that -
from what I hear - both the Kilconnell and the New Inn Anti-Dump
Groups would like to see a local candidate running in the
June 2004 county council elections. However, it seems
(not surprisingly perhaps) that they have so far been unable to
find anyone willing to take on the job - which in my view could be
a VERY difficult one: if they were to do their job in a way that
truly benefited the LOCAL community that is.
Looking forward to seeing yourself and
Siobhan at the Public Meeting in Ballyfa, New Inn
on Monday (February 9th) - assuming both of you can make it. I
believe you can expect a large crowd, and this is partly because
of an "ANTI-DUMP NEWSFLASH" document being distributed in the
local area during recent days.
Best wishes,
PS: You may wish to take account of
the fact that a copy of the "5 roads" e-mail reproduced below can
also be found at the Tara/Skreen address just
beneath this paragraph; and, that the Tara/Skreen web sites
thankfully (from my viewpoint) appear to be going from
strength-to-strength on a daily basis - due much to the efforts
of Irish lawyer Vincent Salafia.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 10:05 PM
Subject: [Tara/Skreen] Additional information on the "5
great roads of ancient Ireland" ...
Further information on the " 5
great roads of ancient Ireland " >>> following
Dr Zion's recent request ...
A number of people who have very
carefully examined the situation believe that the "5 great roads
of ancient Ireland" were centred on Turoe (in
County Galway), and NOT on Tara (in County
A modern map (which has ZOOM
facilities) of the Turoe / Knocknadala / Athenry
area can be found at the following address:
Athenry (as in the song "Fields
of Athenry") is referred to in Ptolemy's Greek record as
"Auteinri" - meaning "Home of the Kings".
The use of a Greek word for an Irish placename should not surprise
anybody too much because the Celts were a
transnational race/group of peoples, and it seems likely they had
numerous interactions with the ancient Greeks:
which included an uninvited visit to Delphi in
278 B.C.. Many believe that the set of linear symbols which go
all around the Turoe Stone (about two-thirds down from the top)
are the result of Greek influence.
A photograph of the Turoe Stone can be
seen at:
Although more than 5 roads possibly
converged on the Turoe / Knocknadala area, the "5 great roads" are
thought to be those listed below.
Road 1: Went in a
south-easterly direction from Turoe/Knocknadala to what is now
known as the town of Roscrea (in County
Tipperary), and it was known as "Sli Dala" -
which in the Celtic language means "Parliament Way".
Road 2: The Esker
Riada which ran from west to east right through the
middle of Ireland from the eastern part of Galway Bay,
through Turoe, and then on to Dublin. It crossed
the Shannon (Ireland's largest river) in the very
centre of Ireland, close to Athlone. Further to
the east it passed through the Maynooth area -
which is roughly 15 miles due south of the Hill of Tara.
More information on the Esker Riada can be found at:
Road 3: "Rot
na Ri" (meaning "Road of the Kings") went WSW from
Turoe to "Ath Clee Magh Ri" - near Clarinbridge.
It is thought that this road may have been for the exclusive use
of kings.
Road 4: Is known
locally as "Sli Coolan", and it is believed to
have been a royal avenue which encircled the Hill of Turoe. Part
of it ran through an area named "Fearta" (which
is an old Celtic word for "royal cemetery").
Road 5: The road
named "Sli Luachra" went through Loughrea
and County Clare, and ended in "Temhar
Luachra" - a Celtic "Fir Belg Capital"
five miles south of Limerick.
Though some may be a little
disappointed on first learning this, there is strong evidence -
for those who study the facts - to suggest that much of Tara's
Iron Age history (i.e. 500 B.C. to 500 A.D. roughly) has been
"stolen" from Turoe.
The reason (very briefly) MIGHT
be something like this: Although Niall of the Nine
Hostages (of "St Patrick" fame) appears to have
been treated as a royal prince, there is reason to believe he may
have been illegitimate. Consequently, he could not have expected
to inherit very much if he stayed on in the Turoe area, and he
possibly decided to go north to Ulster (sometime
in 400's A.D.) - where he was very successful in acquiring both
land and power, and without having to get involved in fights with
his own family.
Not only did the descendants of Niall
keep the family dynasty going in Ulster, they gradually
expanded their territory to the south so that they began to have a
certain limited amount of control over the Hill of Tara
area - which of course already had a fabulous and extremely
prestigious history of its own going back to the Neolithic period
(say 8,000 to 2,000 B.C. for Ireland). They then started using
the Hill of Tara as an inauguration site for their kings, and by
way of some "icing on the cake" (all be it fraudulent), their
"historians" transplanted the history of Turoe - which partly
belonged to them anyway - onto the Hill of Tara.
Unfortunately, the first Millennium
A.D. piece of historical trickery is now producing some unwanted
consequences which members of the O'Neill Dynasty
of the time might not have wished for:
a) A major new road
(the N6 Upgrade) is now scheduled to run right
through the very heart of what's left of the Turoe/Knocknadala
complex of ancient heritage sites.
b) A government
superdump is scheduled to be located about a mile or two from the
Turoe Stone (in an area know as Cross).
Nicknamed locally as "The Mother of all Superdumps",
the plan is to feed it from the new N6 Upgrade road mentioned
above - which may, some suspect, mean that rubbish of all kinds
will be brought into the area from all over Ireland.
c) A privately owned
Greenstar/Celtic Waste "County
Galway" rubbish dump, plus an incinerator possibly at a later date
some think, is also planned for Kilconnell -
which has an important Franciscan Friary dating
from the 1300s that more or less sits on top of the Esker Riada,
about 6 miles east of Turoe. For further information, please see:
This particular Greenstar project also
seems to destroy ALL hope of anybody ever wanting to restore the
magnificent and historic set of buildings known locally as
Woodlawn House - which is the ancestral home of the
present Lord Ashtown. Though several property
developers have shown intense interest in restoring Woodlawn House
during recent years, who in their right mind would want to live
(hold their wedding reception, or play golf. etc., etc.) next
door to a HUGE rubbish dump? More information on Woodlawn House
can be found at:
d) Additional
information relating to efforts by a local group (now called the
Turoe Celtic Society) can be seen at:
Note 1: Much of the
above "5 roads" information comes from pages 49 to 61 of the
July 2003 publication titled "Turoe and
Athenry: Ancient Capitals of Celtic Ireland", which was
written by Fr. Tom O’Connor and edited by
Dr. Kieran Jordan. This publication is a very heavily
edited version of a much larger book called
"Hand of History - Burden of Pseudo-History" -
which is the result of 40 years of
painstaking research carried out by Fr Tom O'Connor.
Note 2:
The above mentioned Greenstar/Celtic Waste rubbish-dump
project was the subject of a petition to the European
Parliament made on February 1st 2002. The
text of the petition can be seen at:
The above mentioned N6 Upgrade project
has also been the subject of a petition to the European Parliament
on September 22nd 2003, the text of which can be
seen at:
In spite of these two petitions to the
European Parliament, the Republic of Ireland Government
it is still going "full-steam-ahead" with both of the projects in
question (to the very best of my knowledge). In connection with
these projects, there has been no consultation with the local
civilian population of the kind mentioned in the Aarhus
Convention agreement: which both the European Community
and the Republic of Ireland "signed" (as "contracting parties") in
1998. Further information can be found at:
Note 3: Though very
little work has yet been done on the web site itself, an
MSN "group" facility has been set up for people
interested in trying to preserve Woodlawn House. Sadly, and
partly because of a large hole in one part of the
roof which is being left unattended, some local people believe
this very important heritage complex MIGHT already have passed the
"point-of-no-return" (in terms of cost-effective restoration). The
MSN web site facility, which is now fully functional as far
members of the public wishing to join is concerned, can be viewed
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 8:13 PM
Subject: [Celtic Party] 5 great roads of ancient Ireland
Reply to recent request (from Dr Zion)
for information regarding the 5 great roads of ancient Ireland.
"Intriguingly, Escir Riada and Sligh
Dala are claimed to have been among the 5 great roads of ancient
For further information, please see:
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