Dear V***,
I have tried in recent weeks to address the above problem by adding a number
of links to the front pages of the two web sites listed below. (For
technical reasons, the site is the most up-to-date
at the present time.)
Some may be interested to know that one of the
new links leads to a scanned copy of a letter sent recently to me from
10 Downing Street. Whether or not this letter represents anything of
value remains to be seen.
In a nutshell, I am trying to protect myself from
what I have come to think of as "Systematic State Corruption" - or "SSC"
for short: possibly because it puts me in mind of what I imagine SS
(type) Corruption to have been like: a seemingly endless
array of insidious lies, deceptions and rationalisations,
physical and psychological bullying, gangsterism, etc.; plus, what I think of as SuperGangsterism
- i.e.
the kind of extremely dangerous behaviour indulged in by elitist
cliques of arrogant thugs who have CORRUPTLY taken over ownership of
the Law: in a manner whereby ordinary citizens (such as myself) are
being deprived - in some VERY significant ways - of our legal rights and protections.
Armageddon here we come?
William Finnerty.
Web Site 1:
Web Site 2: