With reference to the first paragraph of your letter (reproduced
at the Internet address provided just beneath this paragraph), I
feel I should now try to make it more clear that (as far as I am
concerned) my letter of April 17th 2003 to the European Commission
is really about MALADMINISTRATION problems in the Republic of
Ireland, in England, and in the European Union itself, which I
have been VERY BADLY affected by.
In an effort to clarify what I mean by maladministration, I
would like to state that I associate it with a very unhealthy
mixture of components which would include such things as
dishonesty, corruption, and greed (for money and for power). In
other words, that sick (and sickening) and unfortunate area of
human thinking and behaviour which is possibly causing anything
between 50% to 90% of all human problems.
If you check the printed copy of the letter I sent to the
European Commission on April 17th 2003, and as can be seen by
following the Internet link immediately below, you will find that
I did in fact use the word "maladministration" in both the second
and the third paragraphs from the end of the main text - which I
have now highlighted on the following Internet page:
With further reference to your letter of May 28th 2003, please
note that I did not make any mention of legal aid in my letter of
April 17th 2003 to the European Commission, and that I do not see
legal aid as an issue in my particular case at the present time.
I am in a position to pay for good quality legal advise, and for
good quality legal action. My core problem, as I feel I have
ALREADY explained at length in my letter of April 17th, is that I
cannot find a lawyer to advise me regarding the set of legal
issues in question - let alone act on my behalf.
Allowing for the points I have made above, and without wishing to
be disrespectful to anyone, I wish to make it clear to all
concerned that I consider the contents of your letter to me dated
May 28th 2003 to be very largely irrelevant to my particular
case. Your letter appears to me to contain far too many
inappropriate and unnecessary generalisations: in circumstances
whereby I had already provided you with detailed information
relating to the particular legal difficulties I am encountering.
All things considered, I feel I now have to ask you and your
colleagues at the European Commission to reconsider the contents
of my letter dated April 17th 2003 (keeping in mind the points I
have made above).
If, after further consideration of the kind requested above, the
European Commission decides that it still cannot help me in any
significant way to resolve the legal problems in question, then I
would be very grateful for any guidance you might be able to let
me have regarding the possibility of I finding redress through the
European Court of Human Rights (which you mention in the final
paragraph of your letter dated May 28th 2003). Please note that
as far as I am concerned, and as I trust you and colleagues at the
European Commission will understand and accept, ALL domestic
remedies here in the Republic of Ireland (and in England) have
already been exhausted in my particular case: by virtue of the
fact that I cannot find a lawyer to advise me, or to act on my
behalf (in either of the two jurisdictions).
For me, the most threatening of the maladministration difficulties
(at the present time) involves the fact that I have been charged
with what I see as wholly corrupt and malicious prosecution by the
Director for Public Prosecutions in the Republic of Ireland (Mr
James Hamilton) in connection with my efforts to prevent illegal
sewage discharges from the primary school in the village where I
live, and that a warrant was issued for my arrest on October 9th
2002 regarding this matter (as related in my letter to you dated
April 17th 2003).
In passing, I would like to make it clear to all concerned that
the illegal sewage discharges from the primary school referred to
in the paragraph above are still flowing into the river, and into
the air, less than 100 yards from I live; and, that nothing
whatsoever has been done to correct them in spite of all the
people who have been told about them during recent years
(both here in Ireland, and in the various institutions and bodies
of the European Union on mainland Europe). Further
detailed information regarding this point can be found through the
Internet addresses provided below.
If, while I am waiting for a reply to this letter, any of the
Republic of Ireland authorities attempt to arrest me in connection
with the arrest warrant referred to above, it is
my intention to offer them a printed copy of this letter, and to
ask them to defer all arrest proceedings until such time as I have
received a written reply from you to this letter. (Similarly,
should the authorities force me to appear before a court of any
I would be grateful if you would please reply
to this letter using the following address information:
Mr William Finnerty
"St Albans"
New Inn
County Galway
Republic of Ireland.
Later today, I intend to send a printed (and
signed) copy of this e-mail to you through the registered post,
and I will address it as follows:
Commission of the European Communities
(Attn: Secretary-General)
Rue de la Loi 200
B-1049 Brussels
Mr. William Finnerty.
Web Site 1:
Web Site 2: