Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2002 1:23 PM
Subject: Fw: "network of insidious people"
(European Parliament Reference: Petition Number 809/2001)
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2002 12:42 PM
Subject: "network of insidious people"
Parliament Reference: Petition Number 809/2001)
Dear Ms Flynn,
Thank you for the e-mail you sent to
me yesterday (copy reproduced below).
For reasons that are unclear to me,
keeping in mind all of the information which I have gradually
added to two of my web sites over the past few years,
it seems to me that your perception of the difficulties relating
to Petition 809/2001 remains greatly
As you will know from your own records
- or those of mine which appear on the Internet - I have
tried on numerous occasions (using e-mails) to attract your
attention to the efforts that are being made to resolve the difficulties
connected with Petition 809/20021.
Also, and again I am unsure as to why
this is, it seems that you possibly have the false impression
that I have unlimited time and money to spend on matters relating
to Petition 809/2001; and that I can (somehow???) afford to keep
going around and around in circles indefinitely from one
government department to another collecting excuses (as I see
them) as to why - for this reason or that (and always MY
fault it seems) - they cannot help.
In an effort to try and deal (as
efficiently as I can allowing for the limited amount of time
and money available to me in connection with Petition 809/2001
matters) with the over-simplification problem referred to in
paragraph 2 above, I have copied below a private e-mail (with
names blotted out) that I sent yesterday to somebody I used
to know years ago, and who now lives near Boston. The person
in question contacted me fairly recently in connection with the
possibility of getting himself involved with the restoration of
what is an EXTREMELY important
set of local heritage sites known collectively as "Woodlawn
It would be greatly appreciated if you
and your colleagues - particularly the Ombudsman (whose
name I do not know) - would take very careful note of the fact
that Woodlawn House continues to be left in a state of more
or less total neglect (to the very best of my knowledge).
Woodlawn House is just a few miles from where I live, and as I
write it is literally falling to pieces (helped at times I am told
by thieves and vandals):
despite the fact that a representative of The
Heritage Council (architect Ms Mary Hanna) visited Woodlawn
House on Thursday October 18th 2001, and
that she immediately afterwards met with several members of the Friends
Of Woodlawn House Group - and related to them (in
no uncertain terms) that she felt Woodlawn House was definitely
worth trying to save. Further and more detailed
information regarding this particular matter, which is just ONE
of SEVERAL local issues raised so far in
connection with Petition 809/2001, can be seen at
the following www page address:
Allowing for what has been pointed out above,
I would be very grateful if you and your colleagues at the
Republic of Ireland Ombudsman's Office would consider leaving my
file open please: until the European Parliament has fully
dealt with Petition 809/2001.
Mr William Finnerty.
"St Albans"
New Inn
County Galway
Republic of Ireland.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 11:07 AM
Subject: Petition 809/2001>
> Dear Mr Finnerty,
> I refer to your most recent email to this office
concerning the above mentioned
> Petition to the European Commission. I note the fact that
it has decided to
> examine your petition.
> As you know, I have previously advised you that this
Office can only examine a
> complaint if you have taken the matter up with the
relevant body and it has
> failed to address your concerns. I have asked you
to supply copies of
> correspondence with Duchas or the Department of
Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and
> the Islands and to date you have failed to do so.
Therefore, it has been
> decided to close your file in this Office until such time
as some evidence of
> your having taken the matter up with the body concerned
is provided.
> Yours sincerely,
> Phyllis Flynn
> On behalf of the Ombudsman.
> 27 June, 2002.
----- Original Message -----
To: ******** ******
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 10:23 AM
Subject: Fw: "network of insidious people"
----- Original Message -----
To: **** ******
Cc: ***** ****** ; **** ******* ; ******* / *****
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 10:21 AM
Subject: Fw: "network of insidious people"
----- Original Message -----
To: ***** **** *******
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 10:17 AM
Subject: "network of insidious people"
Thank you for the additional ideas you
have sent regarding Woodlawn House.
Sometime over the coming weekend I
intend to combine the ideas you have related to me on this
subject, and forward them to some of the other people who I know
are keen to see Woodlawn House restored - and who are very loosely
grouped under the "Friends Of Woodlawn House"
(FOWH) banner. To begin with, I will leave out your contact
information. Later, and assuming that there are signs of
significant interest from other members of the group regarding
your ideas, it should (I think) be possible for me to put you in
direct contact with most of them.
In the meantime, I believe it might
help if you were to familiarise yourself a little with a problem
which I seem to keep bumping into: TIME, AFTER TIME, AFTER TIME in
connection with local community matters generally. I believe
this is particularly important if you (or friends and
acquaintances of yours in the Boston area) were ever to start
thinking of getting anyway deeply involved in the Woodlawn House
restoration project.
To save myself some time, and although
certain parts of it are not at all relevant to Woodlawn House, I
am simply going to copy an e-mail I sent yesterday to my cousin
******* ******* who lives in New Zealand. His mother and my
father were brother and sister. Though it is unlikely that
you would have ever met him I think (because he left Ireland many
years ago), you almost certainly will remember several close
relatives of his I believe. He is a brother of ***** and
******* - and both had several children who attended the
primary school in New Inn. Also, the youngest member of their
family (named *******) has lived in Boston for several years. Last
but not least, *****'s wife (who is still alive and lives next
door to my home in New Inn) is ******* *****'s aunt, and *******
***** (as you may already know) is the present owner of Woodlawn
One final point: the "network of
insidious people" I have referred to below, seems to be larger
in number and greater in strength than anything I have come across
before (at close quarters anyway), and it appears to be tightly
and powerfully linked all the way from the parish-pumps, right up
to �rus an Uachtar�in (official residence of the President
of the Republic of Ireland).
----- Original Message -----
To: ******* ******* (New Zealand)
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 9:47 PM
Subject: Fw: 1.2 Billion >>> Fw: Summer Solstice
(June 21st 2002)
As far as I know, the IR�10,000,000
fine THREAT is not a misprint. Although
I have not looked into it carefully, I suspect that there is a
valid need for such laws (and associated threats) - as in
situations where there might be a requirement to deter
and prevent the bigger type of "cowboy" developers
and construction companies from taking huge liberties. However,
there was no large construction involved in our case;
just a gallon or so of paint and a few other bits
and pieces totalling well under IR�100.
Like all countries I know of, we here in Ireland have own network
of insidious people who will use (and abuse) anything
available to them, including the law, for their own selfish
purposes. The big problem for them with my sign (I
think) that is that it contains the address of a web site
which carries information they would like to keep hidden
from the general public, and which the traditional media
outlets here normally do keep hidden (for the most part).
Part of my most recent response to these insidious people is
included further down this page, and basically it is an
inexpensive attempt to try and show them up to as many
people as possible (for as long as possible) all over the
world. Note the figure of "1.2 billion" that
appears a few times below: all be it a little bit off
the mark and out by the side of things. It would be
much better if it said 1.2 billion MEMBERS - instead of 1.2
billion RECORDS. Still, my hope is that the very sight
of such big numbers might unsettle them a little.
I have often found that such people very quickly quit their
bullying behaviour when they know that they are being
watched. It remains to be seen what they will do on
this occasion. One thing is definite just now though:
sign is still there on the wall (because I have not removed
You will see as well that I have openly copied the
information below to myself several times. What is
probably less obvious is that some of the computer
addresses I have used are amongst the most secure and most
tamper-free that the world has to offer: which means that
there is very strong evidence sitting there to help prove (if
needs be at a later date) that they were told, and that
they do know about what is going on. Part of their
disgusting dishonesty and trickery is to say "they
didn't know because nobody told them; and that if they had
known they definitely would have done something about it;
but, how could they do anything if they didn't know
anything?" - and so on, and on, with all
their lies and their seemingly endless nonsense.
In case you might be wondering, I genuinely do not know
exactly how many people would receive the e-mail I sent to
the " address.
I know from the response I get though that the number must
be fairly large, and that there is a good spread on it as
far as reaching different parts of the world is concerned. (One of
those who contacted me in the past is a commercial fisherman
from the New Zealand branch of the
"Finnerty" group. He spells his name in a
different way though - **********, if I remember rightly.)
We are having another bad summer here. There is hardly
a day that it does not rain. The good thing is
though that we get sunny spells almost every day as well,
together with some nice fresh breezes. I often go for
long walks through the woods (sometimes near Gortlemon) with
a little abandoned dog I came across some time ago.
She's mad about chasing birds, and never gives up trying her
heart out even though they are much too fast for her.
I saw one small account of one of the hammerings the Irish
Rugby team got. Could it be they are not rightly
used to playing upside down I wonder? It has to
put them at a serious disadvantage I'd nearly say?
I never saw your book. You mentioned it a few times
while you were writing it, but I did not know that it was
now in circulation. The next time I'm in Galway I'll
ask in one of the bookshops. I'd love to read it.
Gerald and Margie seem to be okay. I did not tell
them about the IR�10,000,000 fine threat until after I
received written confirmation from the police saying they
had received my letter to them of June 14th 2002. (As
mentioned below in the "<<<PRESS
RELEASE>>>" section there is a
scanned copy of this police letter now on my web site.)
Regards to all,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 11:01 AM
Subject: Fw: 1.2 Billion >>> Fw: Summer Solstice
(June 21st 2002)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 12:03 PM
Subject: 1.2 Billion
>>> Fw: Summer Solstice (June 21st 2002)
> Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 7:05
> Subject: Summer Solstice (June 21st 2002)
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> >
> > From: William Finnerty
> > To: Council of Europe Directorate General of Legal
Affairs ; Executive
> > Secretary of GRECO (Mr Manuel Lezertua) ; Secretarial
Assistant (Mrs
> > Marie-Rose) ; Irish Government Ombudsman ; European
Parliament Ombudsman ;
> > European Union Environment Commissioner Margot Wallstrom
; Margot
> Wallstrom
> > (European Union Environment Commissioner) ; Mr Helmut
> > (Directorate-general for the European Parliament
> > Cc: William Finnerty (Yahoo) ; William Finnerty (Eircom
a/c) ; Liam
> > O'Finnachta ( ; Billy Finnerty (MSN
Hotmail) ; Finnachta
> > (Eircom a/c)
> > Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 7:00 PM
> > Subject: Fw: E-mail from Secretariat of the European
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> >
> > From: William Finnerty
> >
> > To: Associated Press ; BBC NEWS ; CNN ; Guardian
Newspaper (UK) ; Reuters
> ;
> > TIME Magazine ; UTV (Ulster TeleVision Newsroom) ; Irish
News (Ulster) ;
> > Connacht Tribune Editor (Mr. John Cunningham) ; Galway
Advertiser Editor
> > (Mr. Declan Varley) ; Keith Finnegan at Galway Bay FM
(local radio) ;
> > Ireland On Sunday ; Irish Emigrant Newspaper ; Irish
Examiner Newspaper ;
> > Irish Independent Newspapers (Unison Group) ; RTE (Irish
National TV
> > Station) ; Sunday Business Post ; TG4 (Irish Language
Station, Republic of
> > Ireland) ; The Irish Times ; Tuam Herald ; TV3 (Republic
of Ireland)
> > Cc: William Finnerty (Yahoo) ; William Finnerty (Eircom
a/c) ; Liam
> > O'Finnachta ( ; Billy Finnerty (MSN
Hotmail) ; Finnachta
> > (Eircom a/c)
> >
> > Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 1:34 PM
> >
> > Subject: E-mail from Secretariat of the European
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > The text of an e-mail dated June 20th 2002 from the
Secretariat of the
> > European Ombudsman can now be viewed at the first www
page address
>> provided below. The page also contains a link
to a scanned copy of a letter dated
> > June 19th 2002 from the Republic of Ireland Police.
> >
> >
> >
> >
ENDS >>>
> >
> > ||||||||||||||||||||||||
> > E-MAIL:
> > ||||||||||||||||||||||||
> >
> > ==============================
> > To join and access our 1.2
billion online genealogy records,
> go to:
> >
> >