| Some signs of improvement | Ann Marie
Kelly (Woodlawn) |
![]() | |
billyfinnerty1945@hotmail.com | |
| |
From : | William Finnerty <wfinnerty@eircom.net> |
Sent : | Friday, October 8, 2004 3:59 PM |
To : | "Ann Marie Kelly (Yahoo)" <annmariekellywoodlawn@yahoo.co.uk> |
CC : | "Brendan Kelly (Yahoo Address)" <brendankellywoodlawn@yahoo.ie>, "Ciaran Hughes" <ciaran_hughes@yahoo.co.uk>, "Greene Family (Ballinasloe)" <richardmgreene@yahoo.co.uk> |
Subject : | Fw: Some signs of improvement |
MIME-Version: 1.0 Received: from mail13.svc.cra.dublin.eircom.net ([]) by mc5-f35.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6824); Fri, 8 Oct 2004 09:31:58 -0700 Received: (qmail 71356 messnum 5123083 invoked from network[]); 8 Oct 2004 15:58:59 -0000 Received: from 159-134-205-189.as1.rsl.athlone.eircom.net (HELO default) ( by mail13.svc.cra.dublin.eircom.net (qp 71356) with SMTP; 8 Oct 2004 15:58:59 -0000 X-Message-Info: JGTYoYF78jEmCvpTqXS8mKWbmWnRQYuR Message-ID: <000901c4ad4f$bca10f70$bdcd869f@default> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180 Return-Path: wfinnerty@eircom.net X-OriginalArrivalTime: 08 Oct 2004 16:31:58.0668 (UTC) FILETIME=[54E9C0C0:01C4AD54] The e-mail text below is an edited version of the original |
Dear Ann Marie,
While I fully realise that parts of the
e-mail letter I sent below this morning are completely irrelevant to
local political issues, I believe there are a few things which
might be useful for you and Ciaran, and some others in your age
group perhaps, to know about.
In particular, and based on my own
direct experience, I would like to warn against getting involved in
lengthy LONE fights of the kind I got myself
involved in at the beginning of all this dreadful political
mess. Having gone through it myself, I believe I would
NEVER recommend it to anybody else.
I believe the fact that I have
psychologically survived this long drawn-out nightmare of an
attempt of mine to challenge maladministration here in the Republic of
Ireland, is only because of an unusual combination of
circumstances. They include the following:
a) I am financially independent and consequently
not under the control of anybody; b) I have many
years experience of working with electronic communications
systems; c) despite the version of history I was provided
with at school, I learned later in life that vast areas of
Europe were once controlled by the Celts, and that the comparatively very small
Republic of Ireland is now the
ONLY fully independent Celtic Nation State left on
earth. For that reason alone, and within certain limits, I have come
to believe
it is worth taking some risks for this State, and
worth making some
sacrifices for it as well; d) more than some at the
present time perhaps, I am aware of the many thousands of our
dispossessed ancestors who lost their
lives in the several battles and uprisings between the 1160s and the
1930s, and of the millions of others who suffered so
terribly during that period as a result of such things as forced
immigration, famine ships etcetera, etcetera: to get us to
the point where Bunreacht na hEireann became a
reality; and e), and most important in
my particular case perhaps, I have become aware of the unusually
long Celtic
history of my own family name, which is not mentioned in the school
books for some reason. It is however related in the
Annals of The
Four Masters, and it goes back to
1352 BC.
Though I imagine he has probably
forgotten about it years ago, your grandfather, in
response to a certain childish and common kind of taunt of the
time, once very calmly and gently invited
my first-cousin, who was also named Billy Finnerty, to lend him his
head for a week-end "sometime soon" - so that he could
"frighten off a few families of badgers" that were troubling him near
your home. On account of his snow-white hair, my cousin Billy
was then (i.e. the 1950s) known locally as the "White Head", and
like several others around New Inn at the time, including
myself, he was inclined to be cheeky at certain times to
grown-up people who were considerably older than himself.
Anyway, and perhaps quite wrongly for all I know, this "White Head (Fionn
Sneachta)" genetic situation seems to me to lend credence to the relatively well recorded Finnachta
family history,
which is very closely linked to the much more important history of King Ollamh Fodhla
(father of King Finnachta): and which in turn strongly
involves not only my own birthday (our Northern Hemisphere Spring
Equinox, i.e. March 21st), but the actual time of my
birth as well.
As far as I know (based on what my
mother related to me sometime around the mid 1980s), I was born "a
little after daybreak", in what would have been the period when the sun
passes over the main decorated stone in
Ollamh Fodhla's burial place: which is believed to be Cairn T,
located among the large set of cairns
in the Loughcrew area of County Meath.
Cairn T is approximately 25 miles to the
north-west of Tara, and a few miles to the south
of Oldcastle. To the best of my knowledge, and like
most people of our times, my mother (who died in 1991), would
probably never
have heard anything about King Ollamh Fodhla - thanks to the way our
school history books are written at present. I actually saw the sunlight passing over the
decorated stone in Cairn T for the first time last March, and the
way the stone brilliantly lights up, as a result of the overall
design of this particular Cairn, really
is very unusual. I have never seen anything remotely like
it anywhere before. It does not work of course if there are clouds in
the way. However, there are normally 6 days each year when
this ancient and very skilfully contrived event can happen: on the
Equinox days themselves, March 21 and September 21, and on one day
either side - i.e. the 20th and 22nd. The equinox days
themselves are of course the days when there is perfect balance
between the hours of daylight and darkness throughout the entire
It also seems to be the case that
the more scientists discover about genetics, the more amazingly
complex and clever the whole system is: especially for the purpose
of getting information - of many different kinds - past the physical
death barriers which are a feature of all forms of life on earth; and, it appears
that such information can, if Nature so chooses, survive any number
of life/death reiterations and re-combinations: as long as
the direct "blood-line" of the particular species does not become
entirely extinct.
Unlike the Julius Caesar
"empire-building" types perhaps
(which I see as including people such as President Bush and Prime Minister Blair, and Sir Anthony
O'Reilly as well possibly), I do not believe that Nature ever
intended the Celts, or any other race or culture, to
rule the entire earth. I do believe though, in the interests
of natural diversity, that we (the Celts) should be allowed to have
our own unique legal jurisdiction for our own use, needs, and ways -
just as I believe other cultures should be allowed to have
However, and as I have mentioned in the
e-mail below, and regardless of how things turn out from here on, I
now feel I need to start winding up my operations relating to local
Please note though that I believe I
would ALWAYS like to help your efforts in any small
way/s that I can, for as long as I can, and from wherever I
might be. My hope now is that a few more young people
join in with yourself and Ciaran. The way I see it, 5 to 10 people say, of the calibre
you and Ciaran possess, might, with the support of others of your
generation, be able to do an awful lot of good: in terms of
protecting and maintaining our very expensive, and as I see
very precious, Bunreacht na
hEireann. (Incidentally, I feel it could do with
having a section added for the environment, which makes some
direct mention of
the Aarhus Convention Agreement the Republic of Ireland
signed in 1998.)
That would be good for the Celts I
believe, and
it would be just as good for the vast majority of non-Celts I
suspect - simply because the Celts seem to me to be one of several
cultures who were very much inclined to co-operate with the
ways of Nature, as opposed to kicking Nature in the teeth at every
opportunity: for the sole purpose of making as much money as
possible, as quickly as possible - and by such means (for example) as grossly overloading the natural systems with
such things as superdumps,
incinerators, Coillte type forests,
meat-and-bone-meal feed for cattle and sheep, and so on, and on, and
on. Plus, of course, there is the somewhat different matter of building toll
roads through important heritage sites.
In case I may have given anyone the
wrong impression in earlier e-mails, I would like to make it
clear that I am not opposed in principal to the
Constitution of Europe as such: provided it does
not (in effect) make smithereens out of our hard won
Bunreacht na hEireann, and forever (maybe?) lock us
into the Julius Caesar "elected dictatorship" type
rule we have recently witnessed yet again here in connection with
the Mary McAleese presidential election debacle. Unfortunately, I
feel it is the spirit of Julius Caesar, and not that of the
Celts, which is dominating world thinking at the present time; and,
it is doing so in a way which appears to me to be very imbalanced at
and highly dangerous for everyone in a number of different ways.
Consider the present situation in Iraq for
instance, where violent attacks seem to be growing more
frequent by the week?
Iraqi type invasions is one of the
reasons why I feel extreme caution needs to be applied to the
Constitution of Europe situation: particularly when the present
draft version contains no mention whatsoever (as far as I
know) of the Aarhus Convention
Agreement. Add to that the fact that President
Mary McAleese, one time Professor of Law at Trinity College Dublin
(I think?), is more than happy to play the role of "legal ignoramus"
in her capacity as Guardian of the Constitution: all to
the delight of people like Sir Anthony
O'Reilly, and his many newspaper editors here and elsewhere. Given the chance,
Brussels may yet become the new Rome for yet another latter-day Julius
Caesar: if the money-grabbing, power-mad megalomaniacs are not very carefully
watched, and legally challenged in effective ways as and when the
need arises?
In case I might not have mentioned it
to you before, I had a meal with a group of people about a year ago,
and one of them, a cantankerous type, was adamant that Mary McAleese and Sir
Anthony O'Reilly both share one really BIG ambition in life (which
absolutely horrified him incidentally): and that is to have the
Queen of England pay us a visit here in the
Republic of Ireland at the first available opportunity.
Normally, I would probably would not have paid much attention to
this person. However, when I was later provided
with a little uninvited information about him, it seems he is a
retired member of the legal profession, and has
contact with certain people who are believed to have good quality
inside information relating to political matters here.
And now you know, if you have been
looking that is, one of the main reasons why I have been sending my
e-mail complaints concerning President Mary McAleese to places far
and wide - including the BBC. I have
nothing against the personality of the Queen of England by the
way. Some of what she still represents (by way of
residual Julius
Caesar type political rule), does concern me
though. Allowing for my bits of publicity, and the fact
I believe they probably watch things of that sort like hawks (while
pretending not to of course), my hope is that the Queen of England
(and her advisors) might decide a public meeting here in
the Republic of Ireland, with someone who is known to be behaving
recklessly and irresponsibly in her primary duty as "Guardian of
the Republic of Ireland Constitution", might not be the smartest
of ideas: from the viewpoint of the world image that the British
Royalty wish to maintain for themselves.
Now, and to clear up any doubts which
might linger, if you (or someone who thinks like you
politically) were President of the Republic of Ireland, I
would have no problems at all with such a visit from the Queen of
England. As Brendan Behan might say after he'd had a few
drinks: "Sure I might even dance a jig with her
meself if she felt like it".
Best wishes,
----- Original Message -----
From: William
To: Caroline
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 10:21 AM
Subject: Some signs of improvement Dear Caroline,
It was really nice to hear from you
I regret it has taken me so long
to write to you properly.
I kept putting it off in the hope
things would improve for me here.
In certain ways things have improved
a little in recent months, and I am hopeful now
that this trend will continue.
Also, I now feel (for various reasons) that I simply have to start winding up my operations
regarding the local political activities I have been involved in:
even though I still find the maladministration situation here to
be outrageous and shocking in several
Fortunately, a few young people have
appeared on the local scene who are just as angry and upset as
I am about what is going on here. To some extent I have
already handed my concerns over to them (sort of), and they know and accept
that I cannot keep on working on these problems in the way I have been
doing for the past several years now.
One of the people concerned is a young
law student, and she is at present preparing a High
Court challenge regarding the constitutionality of the
alterations to the Waste Management Acts made here (in 2001) which
gave rise to some of the worst of the local problems. This has
always been one of the things I wanted to do, but repeatedly failed
to because I could not find a lawyer willing to help me (either
here, or in England, or anywhere else in the European
Changing the subject: When you wrote to
me some months ago, you told me your cat had died. Although I
knew it must have been very upsetting for
you, I just did not know what to say. This was entirely
because of local events here - I simply felt paralysed at the time
to everything else. While I was in Shrewsbury, I often
felt mentally crippled in the same sort of way of course.
I was really surprised that "my" cat
(very similar to yours but much younger) was still here when I got
back from England in May 2003. She was a stray cat really, a
kind of mysterious beauty aptly named at the time by some local kids
as "The Black Robber", who I used to leave out bits and pieces
of food for. My brother must have kept on feeding her while I
was away. I call her "Sooty" - but I don't know what her real
name is of course!!
GoBe (The Great GoBe
that is) is asleep at my feet as I write. Since I
got back, she has had several more pups (lesser GoBees as I see
them) with her male friend "Murphy" (I think) across the road. The two of them, GoBe and
Sooty, have been a huge help to me, and generally speaking they get
on very well together. It is true though that there are
times when Sooty's body language suggests she considers
the younger GoBe to be "only an ejit", as when watching GoBe
madly chase
bright yellow tennis balls - as though her very life depended on it.
Sadly, there have been times when
I felt the two of them were the only close friends I had: which I
now see as part of the very high price of fighting bad politics by
myself for too long.
Maybe now we will be better able to
keep in contact? I hope so. Again, I regret not being
able to keep in contact with you during the past 18 months or so -
which I see as entirely my fault of course, and nothing whatsoever
to do with you.
Best wishes,
The MSN e-mail text ends at the last line above.
The text in the above e-mail comes from a "blind" copy sent by using the "Bcc:" facility.
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